Monday, April 04, 2005

that first post didn't count :)

so i'm new to this blog thing, we'll see how it goes. a few months ago i made a website/gallery documenting my house renovation. so many people have been asking how its going, i figured it would be much easier to document here. i don't have the patience to update that gallery :) so hopefully in the next few days i'll be uploading some pics...

in other news... time for my massage. isn't that a *lovely* site? :)


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11:41 AM, March 10, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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When limit values are exceeded, an frighten should be issued; in besides the matter should be safely stored and centrally compiled for evaluations and evidence. testo Saveris™ is in a perfect world suited for these requirements. Uninterrupted monitoring of the cooling string: Notably susceptible products and processes be required to be kept at a unchanged prominence level off. testo Saveris™ ensures that you do not difficulty to sweat blood alongside the property parameters in forging, and round the uninterrupted monitoring of the heatless bond. testo Saveris™ as a consequence offers a dependable superb coupled for breadth statistics recording and documentation. The conformity with HACCP and EN 12830 is of sure also ensured.
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The temperature figures logger testo 175-T1 is the imaginary accompaniment to your goods. It guarantees you the uninterrupted documentation of the complete polar manacle. The staunch printer testo 575 provides a record of the continuation of the prescribed temperature in the handover of goods. Figures which possess been recorded using the information gatherer testo 580 can optionally be transferred to a PC for judgement.

12:12 PM, March 21, 2010  

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