Monday, April 25, 2005

all work and no play

the weekend started off with dinner at fuel and fuddle on friday night, then relaxing and watching tv. saturday morning we needed our energy for the day and decided on square cafe for brunch. yummy crepes with strawberries and bananas. ian spent the morning hanging drywall on the boxed in ductwork and patching in where the ceiling meets the wall.

my job was removing 3 radiators. doesn't seem fair, does it?! we've found an easier method to do it... using a sawzall to cut the radiator apart in sections. we loaded up the truck with 1180 pounds of radiator, and about 50 pounds of old piping and radiator covers in the basement. of course it starts to rain by the time we make it to the scrap yard. too bad i didn't get any photos of that. our hard work paid off with $101.66. woo hoo! we came back, cleaned up and treated ourselves to dinner and drinks.

sunday was spent tape finishing the ceilings.

it was awkward at first, but i got the hang of it after awhile. luckily, i have a massage scheduled for tomorrow to ease the tightness in my neck and shoulders from all the ceiling work. once the ceilings have dried, we'll have to do another coat before we start the skip trowel treatment.

after cleaning up, we ran out to the waterfront to grab some coffee and a snack then hit lowes to check out counter laminate and paint colors. this is what we've decided on so far:

now we just need to order the laminate so ian can build the counters, and track down a nice metal laminate for the backsplash and front edge of the counters. phew... long weekend!


Anonymous said...

If I could, I'd drape myself in Formica.

12:55 PM, April 26, 2005  

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